Microsoft Flight Simulator’s latest update adds some enhancements to an already beautiful region. The game’s new Iberia update adds graphical upg...
Author: Administrator
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Audio player loading… There’s a new event live over in the bayou in Hunt: Showdown. The Traitor’s Moon event is just hitting the serv...
Dream PCs are a dime a dozen right now, which is great news if you’ve got a big chunk of cash to spend on your next gaming PC, but less exc...
The Batman has been out in theaters for a few weeks now, but even after credits rolled, not every mystery was resolved. The movie’s post-credits ...
The Jellyfish Shield in Elden Ring is an odd choice, at least on the surface. This unique greatshield is essentially a large invertebrate strappe...
“There’s something out there. Just beyond our reach.” That ‘something’ is the Halo television series, which is now just days—yes indeed, no...
Audio player loading… Apex Legends’ best chill-out mode is coming back, as Control makes its return in next week’s Warriors Collectio...
Audio player loading… Ghostwire: Tokyo is a really good action game, but it is not horror. “Weird things happen, and you may be unnerved by...
Here’s a surprisingly loaded question: What is Halo, Microsoft’s hit video game franchise now 21 years running, about? Play the games and you’ll ...
Apex Legends’ next limited-time event, the Warriors Collection Event, will begin March 29 and run until April 12, Respawn Entertainment announced...