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Welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! This week, Lauren and I are joined by Associate Editor Tyler Colp to talk all about our time with the Diablo 4 closed beta.
With Lauren and myself entering Blizzard’s dark and dreary ARPG series for the first time and Tyler Colp being our veteran player, we talk about the things we did and didn’t like about our weekend running and dungeoning around the Fractured Peaks.
We talk about the classes we picked, the game’s small but mighty customisation options, and one particularly terrifying side quest involving a horny skinless man. I also bully Lauren for playing everything like it’s Guild Wars while simultaneously doing the whole thing like a rabid Final Fantasy 14 player hunting for the perfect glam. It’s a great relationship.
With the open beta and more class options arriving right after this podcast releases, we delve into what we’re excited to return to this weekend, and what we want to try out that we didn’t have time to during the closed beta. No chat from me and Lauren this week on what we’ve been playing, because it’s Diablo 4. That’s what we’ve been playing. Perhaps too much.
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