Capcom’s Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter Rise will launch June 30, on Nintendo Switch and Windows PC, the publisher announced Tuesday during a livestream presentation. The DLC will include a new story, a new locale, new monsters to battle, and new Master Rank-challenge quests.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will cost $39.99 for the standard version of the game, with a deluxe edition, featuring layered armor sets, gestures, and hairstyles, running $49.99. Capcom warned Monster Hunter Rise players that they’ll need about 13 GB of storage space to house a Sunbreak-focused software update for the game.
Capcom showcased a number of new and returning monsters during Tuesday’s stream, including the Fanged Beast Garangolm, which attacks with both fire and water elements; the Fanged Wyvern Lunagaron, which covers its body in ice to act as body armor; Blood Orange Bishaten, which, while delicious sounding, throws exploding pine cones; and Astalos, the returning Flying Wyvern that can generate electricity to power its attacks. Players will battle these creatures in Sunbreak’s new Citadel, and in the woods and mountains nearby.
The publisher also showed off the new Elgado Outpost hub, which comes complete with a canteen, command post, and an array of NPCs, merchants, and quest-givers. Capcom describes Elgado Outpost as a “bustling maritime waystation” and home to a laboratory researching abnormal monster activity troubling the nearby kingdom.
Here’s Capcom’s official description of the story of Sunbreak, with a promise that more information is to come before the DLC’s June launch:
The threat befalling the Kingdom is closely linked to powerful creatures inspired by staples of Western horror known as the Three Lords. This cadre includes the newly unveiled Garangolm, the chilling Fanged Wyvern Lunagaron, and the Elder Dragon Malzeno. In addition to these nightmarish new foes, other monster variants and returning fan-favorites including Blood Orange Bishaten and the mighty Astalos will emerge to challenge hunters in the added Master Rank quest difficulty. Researching the behavior of the Three Lords will take hunters across the Kingdom to exciting new locales, including the newly-unveiled Citadel. This locale boasts snow-swept peaks cascading down to lush forests teeming with new forms of endemic life. At the center of this vast region sits a long-abandoned fortress that serves as a bastion for the very monsters it was built to keep out.
Capcom says it will give players of the base version of Monster Hunter Rise a leg up to prepare for the challenges of Sunbreak. The company will distribute powerful Defender series weapons for all 14 weapon types, the helpful Black Belt hunter armor, and the Guild Cross set for harvesting items.
Monster Hunter Rise was released for Nintendo Switch in March 2021, and for PC in January of this year. In Polygon’s original review of the game, we praised Rise’s amped-up mobility, aided by the new Wirebug, and approachability for newcomers. “Monster Hunter Rise takes the accessible foundation that Capcom built in World and expands on it without breaking what makes Monster Hunter fun, including the deep combat and the feeling of progression as you defeat, skin, and wear one monster to fight the next,” reviewer Ryan Gilliam said. “If World was the first step forward into a new era of Monster Hunter, Rise takes it even further.”